Dalla Comunità Auxilium di Guntur – Ispettoria Sacro Cuore – India
Dear and Loving Mother,
Thank you very much for your monthly circulars, more specially we thank you for the Circular No. 992. Our community sisters at Auxilium Guntur, Andhra Pradesh (INK) had an indepth study of the 992 circular and came out with these answers. We tried to be very sincere with our answers. We sincerely pray that we may be able to live these attitudes and values in day to day life.
1. How to discover new life that awakens in the communities the freshness of vocational fecundity,the joy, the missionary openness of the origins?
a. Meaningful living of the prayer moments
b. Capacity to accept the job assigned to the individual and involve oneself totally in the mission entrusted with.
c. Readiness to accept the community sisters and the mission as if a gift from God.
d. Ready to work hard and to take care of the mission with a whole heart.
e. Working with a grateful heart and be satisfied. It will resonate joy and laughter.
2.Which attitude must I cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that something new is happening?
The attitudes which I need to cultivate are : 1. Human warmth, 2. respect for each other, 3. patience, 4. trust on each other, 5. genuine love for each other, 6. using polite words, 7. living a life of religious decorum.
3. How can we help each other to be more aware of the active and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in our personal and community experience, in the life of the children, of the young, of the people we meet?
1. By living a life harmoniously in spite of the difference in the age, culture and language
2. By without complaining about the superiors and elder sisters,
3. By taking interest in the community activities and to be punctual for the community prayer and community moments.
4. By encouraging the sisters and appreciating them for the good they do.
4. what attention of the heart is needed to perceive His voice, His light?
1. Come out of our stubborn ideas.
2. Readiness to give and take.
With grateful hearts,
Sr. Rani Jacob (Animator)
Sr. Lucia Rani
Sr. Shobha Rani
Sr. Madhuri
Sr. Aruna Kumari
Sr. Hrudaya Mary Rani