Dalla Comunità Sacro Cuore di Gesu, Karunapuram, Warangal – India
Circular No. 992
1. Which attitudes must I cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening?
We must cultivate the attitudes of:
– listening and openness to the Word of God, to the holy Spirit and every one we come in contact
– Forgiveness – Given and received
– Looking positively at the good and beautiful in every person, events and situations of our daily life
– Acceptance of the weakness of oneself and others
2. How can we help each other to be more aware of the active and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in our personal and community experience, in the life of the children, of the young, of the people we meet? What attention of the heart is needed to perceive His voice, His light?
– We are called to be spiritual women – deeply human
– Become enamoured of the person of Jesus through deeper encounter with Him and His word
– We need to become joyful, welcoming, youth friendly and witnessing persons
– Genuine relationship and love for one another
– In order to perceive the Spirit’s voice we need to listen attentively in the silence of our hearts
3. Let us ask ourselves why the encounter, which according to Don Bosco is the key to open hearts, has fallen into disuse in some of our realities?
– Lack of mutual trust and confidence
– Attitude of pride
– Lack of faith and obedience to the norms
– Lack of openness and simplicity