Dalla Comunità Our Lady of the Way in Bend, Oregon – Stati Uniti – SUO
Let us open our heart’s door and ask ourselves, how Mary’s humble, courageous, dynamic yes, can make our daily yes to God more aware and deeper so that we may be increasingly available to Him and at the service of the people He entrusts to us, especially the neediest?
Today we find ourselves closed off from the families and children we serve due to the pandemic. Like Mary, we too must be open to the availability of the call of the Lord in the unexpected. We make ourselves available by the means that are present to us today. We use the social media to reach out and make daily connections by being available to listen to their concerns and fears and offering words of encouragement.
Is this not what we desire for our communities; to be accompanied by Mary so that those who meet us can feel that our hearts burn with love given with tenderness and gratuity; that our experience of God may become the power of evangelization, spreading the passion for vocations?
The present reality of being isolated physically has given us an opportunity to look at Mary who was the model of Communion. We have been given an opportunity to rediscover the joy of living together and celebrating in simplicity the daily activities that make up our life. We strengthen the bonds of communion amongst each other and with the educating community via distant learning. Distant learning on a national level is a new means of communicating with those we serve. It has been a new challenge that we have embraced with generosity and love like Mary.
The community recycled paper to make a piñata for a family during the mandatory isolation due to the pandemic. The family consists of mother who is expecting, father, 8 year old boy, 6 year old boy, and a 2 year old girl. The family was sad as they had to cancel the daughter’s birthday celebration. The community decided since we had time on our hands, to recycle paper and make a piñata for the family. They were so happy to receive it!