Dalla Comunità Maria Niketan – Chandur, Nalgonda – India
1.Let us ask ourselves, which attitudes must I cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening?
The attitudes that each one should cultivate are forgiveness, listening, acceptance of oneself and the other, having dialogue at the time of confusion and misunderstandings , understanding, passionate love for Christ and seeing God in every person, praying for each other, having sense of belonging and sincere love towards the other, having trust and gratuitous love, appreciating and upholding, openness to one another, submissiveness and making oneself approachable and approaching others with kindness. We reflected and decided to improve in the above attitudes in order to build up strong and love based relationship in the communities.
2. How can we help each other to be more aware of the active and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in our personal and community experience, in the life of the children, of the young, of the people we meet? What attention of the heart is needed to perceive His voice, His light?
We can help each other to be more aware of the active and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit by being a “person of prayer and person of God”, Praying for one another, being close to the other at the time of joys and sadness, being sympathetic and available, being constant accompaniment and authentic relationship, generous availability and self giving, being responsible and faithful to personal encounter, foreseeing the needs of the others, creating opportunities for the personal growth and development, encouraging and creating an ambient to be attuned to the voice of God, though our readiness to welcome others with family spirit, constant presence and through preventive system and practicing Don Bosco’s way “ word in the ear” in our daily dealings with the young.
3. Let us ask ourselves why the encounter, which according to Don Bosco is the key to open hearts, has fallen into disuse in some of our realities?