Community Maria Immacolata, Bangalore – India INK
Circular studied 992
Which attitudes must we cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening?
We must cultivate positive attitudes of listening, forgiving and give and take to live daily relationships with renewed love. This will enable others to see that something new is happening in and around us especially in our community living.
We need to have the desire to come together expressing our eagerness to have the presence of each other in our community and our mission. This will be expressed in our interdependence in the community.
How can we help each other to be more aware of the active and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in our personal and community experience, in the life of the children, of the young, of the people we meet? What attention of the heart is needed to perceive His voice, His light?
First of all we must have a deep and genuine sisterly relationship among ourselves which can become a transforming experience in our community. For this we must be docile to the Holy Spirit whose promptings we need to be attentive and discerning.
We have to become aware of the Holy Spirit present within us and around us who prompt us to look at persons with a kind and loving attention and make simple gestures of love to the other.
To be attentive to the Holy Spirit we need to cultivate the interior silence which will favour for deeper relationship and to generate life in the community and the mission.
Let us ask ourselves why the encounter, which according to Don Bosco is the key to open hearts, has fallen into disuse in some of our realities?
Our faith is shallow and human reasoning and selfish motives take upper hand which prevents one to value this means which Don Bosco has given us. We are also indifferent to certain norms and proposals of the Superiors and we think it is an old fashioned practice. Most of us have not taken seriously what Don Bosco has told us. At times there is also lack of secrecy and maintaining confidentiality on the part of the animator in this regard. But we need to take this as a great means to grow in our Salesian vocation and our beautiful charism handed down to us by our Founders.