Tutti i post che arrivano dalle comunità per la festa della Madre
Dalla Comunità Maria Ausiliatrice, Trichur – India Community: Maria Ausiliatrice, Trichur – India INK Circular No. 992 Our beloved Mother General, First of all we want to thank you our dearest Mother General for leading our Institute in the past 12 years in the paths revealed to you by the Lord and guided by Our…
DALLA COMUNITà María Auxiliadora – Valdivia – Cile A la luz de la oración del Salmo 1 y de la reflexión de la Carta Circular n° 922 de nuestra querida Madre General en esta fiesta del Gracias mundial queremos compartir las respuestas a las preguntas que en ella se nos hacían. 1. ¿Por qué el…
Dalla Comunità B. LAURA VICUNA –SECUNDERABAD – INDIA SECUNDERABAD B. LAURA VICUNA – BANGALORE – INDIA INK ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS FROM MOTHER GENERALS’S CIRCULAR No. 992 1. Which attitudes must we cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening? We must cultivate the…
Dalle Comunità dell’Ispettoria Piemontese “M. Ausiliatrice” – Italia Le comunità dell’Ispettoria Piemontese “M. Ausiliatrice” hanno condiviso la circolare 991, soffermandosi in particolare su tre domande poste dalla Madre: Ho la consapevolezza che sono chiamata ad essere “persona-anfora” disponibile a riversare nell’ambiente la gioia della vocazione nella gratuità e nello spirito del Magnificat, perché amata…
Dalla Comunità Maria Ausiliatrice ,Secunderabad – India MARIA AUSILIATRICE, HYDERABAD. Dear and Loving Mother, We are indeed grateful to you dear Mother for being a loving and caring Mother and guide. When we read and reflect on your circular letters we feel you close to us and experience an individual touch and concern. We thank…
Dalla Comunità Maria Nivas – Nandigama- India
Dalla Comunità del COLLEGIO SANTA INÊS – San Paolo – Brasile Refletimos sobre a circular 978 de 24 de abril de 2018, “Reavivemos o rosto mariano do Instituto”, onde a Madre nos estimula a “redescobrir a graça de sermos memória viva de Maria, vivermos o estilo de Maria como comunidades, empenhadas no expressar hoje o…
Dalla Comunità Sacro Cuore di Gesu, Karunapuram, Warangal – India Circular No. 992 1. Which attitudes must I cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening? We must cultivate the attitudes of: – listening and openness to the Word of God, to the holy…
Dalla Comunità B. Laura Vicuna – Ongole – India Study, Reflection and sharing of Circular No. 992 1. Which attitudes must I cultivate in order to live daily relationships….? Faith, Enthusiasm, unconditional forgiveness, hidden sacrificing spirit, constant surrender to God, optimism, patient understanding, listening, mutual trust, genuine love for each other, mortification, courage to confront…
Dalla Comunità Auxilium – Kollam Kottiyam – INDIA Dearest Mother Yvonne, Mille Grazie! At the outset we, the community of Kollam, Kottiyam, Auxilium, INK Bangalore, INDIA would like too express our heartfelt gratitude for the relentless efforts you made to lead us on the path of Sanctity in our Institute in the spirit of Don Bosco…