Dalla Comunità St. Mary Mazzarello Convent Austin – Stati Uniti – SUO
“Thank You Commitment for Mother Yvonne Reungoat, FMA”
- Let us open our heart’s door and ask ourselves, how Mary’s humble, courageous, dynamic yes, can make our daily yes to God more aware and deeper so that we may be increasingly available to Him and at the service of the people He entrusts to us, especially the neediest?
Mary lived her Yes 24/7. She was constantly in God’s presence. Her loving attitude transformed her daily menial tasks into great acts of love because she lived the present moment consciously aware of who she was, who it was she was serving, and how she needed to do. Therefore, nothing was considered boring or useless because it was done with great love. As FMAs we also learn from Mary that “we need to bloom where we are planted.” Our yes is to be lived with great love, in humility, simplicity, and love. Daily, we need to make the choice to pattern our attitudes and manner of living with that of Mary. In this way our tasks and responsibilities will be carried out with great love and not because we have to do them. If we follow Mary’s guidance, the meaning of our vowed commitment will be deepen in such a way that the Da Mihi Animas, cetera tolle, will become our battle cry.
- Is this not what we desire for our communities; to be accompanied by Mary so that those who meet us can feel that our hearts burn with love given with tenderness and gratuity; that our experience of God may become the power of evangelization