Dall’Ispettoria Maria Immacolata – Stati Uniti
Circular # 987
Question # 1
How can Mary’s humble, courageous, dynamic yes, make our daily yes to God more aware and deeper so that we may be increasingly available to Him and at the service of the people He entrusts to us, especially the neediest?
Mary’s Yes is a model for us, her desire to serve was stronger than her fear. Her complete trust in God and for all He would accomplish through her is our guide in the everyday. Her disposition was open to God, she cultivated it over time. When she was asked to be the Mother of God, her question was not about self concern but about how she could accomplish the will of God. She Modeled the Vado Io for us.
In imitation of Mary’s response to God’s invitation begins for us each morning as we open our souls to His guidance and inspiration. Our prayers and sacrifices are how we support the mission, how we serve one another. Just as Mary was open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit so her example helps us to do the same.
Mary’s courageous surrender to God’s call gives us the courage to do the same. She teaches us to dialogue with humility and courage. She shows us how to go out to those in need without a thought for self. Although we may be scared at times before what God is asking of us, we can imitate Mary and rejoice with others as she did with her cousin Elizabeth.
Question # 2
Is this not what we desire for our communities; to be accompanied by Mary so that those who meet us can feel that our hearts burn with love given with tenderness and gratuity; that our experience of God may become the power of evangelization, spreading the passion for vocations?
Yes, we desire this because we want to live for the glory of God and be in that glory one day. We don’t want to do it alone; we want to bring others with us. Our charism is contagious, it is our duty and vocation to share it with as many people as possible. Like Mary when our hearts are in union with God it is natural for tenderness and gratuity to be present and this attracts vocations. There is a sense of peace and welcoming that comes from union with God. We are fruitful in the mission when we communicate the charm of having been seduced by love and made the decision to follow Him. The witness of all of us living in Love with Jesus is more important than anything else. The living of a motherly tenderness expressed in the family spirit spills over into community and mission and is expressed in joy.
Mother Mazzarello feared that the world would enter into the congregation therefore we should be vigilant! The moment of the Eucharistic encounter is a moment that needs to span our entire day. If we allow that to happen, we will be the pilars of joy in community in tranquility and in peace. In Mother Mazzarello’s letters she always expressed the idea of peace and joy “the sign of a heart that loves the Lord very much”. The moment of communion lived throughout the day is a moment of transformation. Throughout the day we need to transform into HIM.
Mary is our mother and she accompanies us all the time. When we are in love with our Lady and her Son it shows. Sometimes we don’t recognize it in community although outsiders do recognize it. At times random strangers approach us and ask for a blessing. Why do they do that? Perhaps they see the Jesus we do not see, the love that has been given to us to share.